89 research outputs found

    English for Geodesy and Land Management Students: tutorial.

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    English for Geodesy and Land Management Students is the manual for the students majoring in this specialty «Geodesy and Land Management» at higher education institutions and aimed at mastering the English language for specific purposes in this domain. The manual consists of 2 parts comprising the key theoretical issues students study at their special classes. The 1st part consists of 11 units. The 2nd part consists of 14 units. Each unit is designed in the way to provide students with the possibility to practice all language skills giving them flexibility in the field of future professional sphere. In the last part of the tutorial students can find texts for supplementary reading useful for efficient independent work

    Mean-risk models using two risk measures: A multi-objective approach

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    This paper proposes a model for portfolio optimisation, in which distributions are characterised and compared on the basis of three statistics: the expected value, the variance and the CVaR at a specified confidence level. The problem is multi-objective and transformed into a single objective problem in which variance is minimised while constraints are imposed on the expected value and CVaR. In the case of discrete random variables, the problem is a quadratic program. The mean-variance (mean-CVaR) efficient solutions that are not dominated with respect to CVaR (variance) are particular efficient solutions of the proposed model. In addition, the model has efficient solutions that are discarded by both mean-variance and mean-CVaR models, although they may improve the return distribution. The model is tested on real data drawn from the FTSE 100 index. An analysis of the return distribution of the chosen portfolios is presented

    HMM based scenario generation for an investment optimisation problem

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    This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Springer-Verlag.The Geometric Brownian motion (GBM) is a standard method for modelling financial time series. An important criticism of this method is that the parameters of the GBM are assumed to be constants; due to this fact, important features of the time series, like extreme behaviour or volatility clustering cannot be captured. We propose an approach by which the parameters of the GBM are able to switch between regimes, more precisely they are governed by a hidden Markov chain. Thus, we model the financial time series via a hidden Markov model (HMM) with a GBM in each state. Using this approach, we generate scenarios for a financial portfolio optimisation problem in which the portfolio CVaR is minimised. Numerical results are presented.This study was funded by NET ACE at OptiRisk Systems


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    This article aims to analyze the behavior of a portfolio of assets selected by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), optimized by the Sharpe approach, and compare it to portfolios of assets obtained only by DEA or the Sharpe approach. To do that, we used the DEA model to assess the efficiency of shares of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa), employing return, variance and other indicators such as input and output variables. Also, we used the Sharpe approach to optimize the portfolio composition. In the comparison of portfolios, we noted that the resulting combination of both models performed better than the portfolios optimized by only one of the models


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    Abstract.Morphological response of the tumor was investigated after sonodynamic chemotherapy during distal gamma-therapy (DGT) in patients with cancer of the oral cavity. Sixty-one patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n=31) received DGT and local ultrasound treatment (0,88 MHz±0,33% and I=1,0Вm/cm2) with 5 mg of platidiam  and group 2 (n=30) received only DGT. Biopsies were investigated by standard morphological and immunohistochemical analysis after achieving total dose of radiation 40 Gy. In the main group the mass of stroma increased 1,9 times after starting of treatment and 1,6 times in comparison with the control group, mitotic activity of the cells decreased 3,9 and 1,9 times respectively, and index of parenchymal damage was 2,4 times higher in the main group than in the control. There was fibrosis and focuses of cells with “cells – shadows” with dystrophic changes of the nucleus and cytoplasma.There was a high index of Ki-67 proliferating activity (60-75%) and high apoptotic index (50-65%) of all cell layers.  The rate of Ki-67 and gene p53 decreased 1,3 and 1,5 times respectively after treatment. In specimens of the main group basal layer cells expressed Ki-67 and p53 in 10-15% of area and didn’t differ from normal values. The rate of KI-67 and expression of p53 gene decreased 7.1 and 6.5 after treatment. Sonodynamic chemotherapy contributes to the suppression of the biological aggressiveness of the tumor, provides a much more pronounced antitumor effect compared to the effect of ionizing radiation alone.Исследовали  морфологический  ответ опухоли на воздействие,  включающее проведение  сонодинамической химиотерапии при дистанционной гамматерапии (ДГТ) рака  слизистой  оболочки  полости  рта (РСПР). 61 больной РПСР были разделены  на основную (31 больному  при ДГТ проводилась   локально  на очаг  опухоли 5 мг платидиама  с помощью  ультразвукового  воздействия  частотой  0,88 МГц±0,33%, и I=1,0Вm/см2) и контрольную (30 больным, сопоставимым по клиническим параметрам,  проводилась  только аналогичная ДГТ) группы. До лечения и после планового перерыва на дозе 40 Гр исследовались  биоптаты опухолей по стандартным морфологическим и иммуногистохимическим методикам. В основной группе доля стромы опухоли увеличилась в 1,9 раз, чем до лечения и в 1,6 раз против контроля, митотическая активность клеток снизилась  в 3,9 и 1,9 раз соответственно, а индекс повреждения паренхимы был выше в 2,4 раза чем в контрольной. Определялся  выраженный фиброз,  наблюдались фокусы клеток, представленные  «клетками — тенями», с выраженными дистрофическими изменениями ядра и цитоплазмыВ контрольной группе было отмечено  сохранение  высокого индекса  пролиферации  Ki-67 (60–75%)  и высокий апоптотический индекс (50–65%)  всех клеточных слоев опухоли. Уровень маркера  Ki-67 и экспрессия мутагенного гена р53 по сравнению с исходными данными снизилась лишь в 1,3 и в 1,5 раз соответственно. В образцах опухоли основной группы клетки базального слоя плоского эпителия вокруг опухоли экспрессировали  Ki-67, p53 в 10–15%  площади и не отличались от нормальных показателей. Уровень маркера  Ki-67 и экспрессия мутагенного гена р53 по сравнению с исходными данными снизились в 7,1 и 6,5 раз соответственно. Таким образом,  сонодинамическая химиотерапия способствует подавлению биологической агрессивности опухоли, обеспечивает существенно более выраженный противоопухолевый эффект по сравнению с действием только ионизирующего излучения